In The Starting Gate,
Conley, Strully, and Bennett relay that a family history of low birth weight
drastically increases one’s own risk of being born low birth weight. If low
birth weight parents are of a high socioeconomic class, however, the effect of their
own low birth weight on their children’s birth weight decreases. Quite
similarly, having been born low birth weight drastically hinders educational achievement
and as a consequence, long-term economic prospects as well. If a low birth
weight child is raised in a household of a high socioeconomic class, however
the biological effects of low birth weight diminish. Therefore, a family’s
social and biological assets interact with one another and either replicate or
diminish/terminate economic and health inequalities across generations.
Because biological factors cannot be directly altered at
this time, a more simple and direct solution to combat the above interaction
between society and biology as well as the deleterious effects of low birth
weight across generations seems to be to increase the socioeconomic status of individuals,
who are at both biological and social risk, so that they have access to the commodities
that are protective against the deleterious effects of low birth weight.
Conley, Strully, and Bennett’s suggested modifications to
existing policies, such that family histories of low birth weight be taken into
account in determining eligibility and benefit-level criteria and that pregnancies
be considered “qualifying events” that raise the income eligibility criteria of
various social programs benefiting low-income families, including WIC, TANF,
etc, seem very practical, reasonable and realistic. It is actually quite
surprising that they have not been implemented thus far, especially in the case
of TANF, in which a pregnant mother (with no prior children) is not considered as
two individuals, nor as a family. While TANF is geared towards needy families; isn’t it inherently obvious
that a pregnant mother is bringing a child into a world and will thus become a family? Doesn’t it seem
practical and reasonable to provide cash assistance to a pregnant mother, so
that she can have a more healthy pregnancy and bring a healthier child into the
world? Such a preventive measure would reduce later costly educational and
health care expenditures related to raising an “unhealthy” child (i.e. low
birth weight child suffering from numerous consequences/impairments/hurdles).
Like any other redefinition of eligibility criteria to
social programs, which increases the number of people who qualify for the
programs, result in the question of where the money to pay for these additional
qualifiers will come from, Conley, Strutt, and Bennett make a strong claim for
the fact that the money that is spent on treating the deleterious effects of
low birth weight (i.e. health effects, such as cerebral palsy, mental
retardation, etc) is far greater than that we would spend to prevent low
birth-weight and its deleterious effects in the first place. Again, preventive
measures seem to be where money should be allocated.
Conley, Strutt, and Bennett do claim that one hindrance to
implementing these policy changes is the implications it would have on abortion
laws and vice versa. Although this point was not emphasized in the book, I
found it be interesting given our prior discussion about abortion below as well
as during recitation. In the TANF program, for example, if a pregnant woman
were counted as two, we are inherently treating the unborn fetus as a living
being. While this may not be disagreeable to advocates of the pro-life
movement, opposition could be raised for a number of different reasons. A
reasonable policy change may be to begin providing cash assistance to
low-income pregnant women, who have carried their fetus past the point of legal
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